TOM - We help people with their medication.

TOM facilitates tracking and adherence to therapies

This is about the success of the therapy and not about personal data.

Therefore, TOM can also be used exclusively anonymously.

With 3 million in-app interactions from TOM users per month, the TOM Community is now the largest, fully anonymous health platform with highly active chronic patients in Switzerland.

A TOM user has an average of 12 touch points in the TOM app per day. That’s real commitment. And that only comes about when real added value is created for the user. Sustainable.

That’s what we – the whole TOM team – work on every day.

The TOM family

TOM came about thanks to the invaluable support of many individuals, all of whom make an important contribution in pursuit of a mutual goal: to make TOM better – every day. Making TOM better – every day.


The TOM family goes beyond the founder and employee at Innovation 6 AG. It also includes numerous fantastic partnerships, collaborations and long-standing friendships. It is a strong network of experts from all over the world who work with and for TOM. From home, at the office or on the go. 

Highly agile, professional and trustworthy: that’s the TOM family.

Member of the Board of Directors

Viktor Calabrò

Advisory Board

Valentijn Bonger

Advisory Board

Urs Stromer

CEO & Co-Founder

Sven Beichler

Redona Hafizi

Operations; Head of Pharma Relations

Redona Hafizi

Web Development


CEO bitsfabrik GmbH

Patrick Kastner

Advisory Board

Michael Eggimann

Advisory Board

Matthias Baumann

Lead Backend Developer


Senior Digital Marketing Manager

Margareta Marza

Lead Android Developer


Frane Medvidović

IT Project Management bitsfabrik GmbH

Frane Medvidović

Managing Partner Supertext AG

Fabian Dieziger

Advisory Board

Dragan Grabulovski

Dr. Gabor Blechta

Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Gabor Blechta

Dr. Fabian Sommerroc

Advisory Board

Dr. Fabian Sommerrock

Lead iOS Developer


Advisory Board

Christof Zogg

Member of the Board of Directors

Christof Gerber

CTO bitsfabrik GmbH

Andreas Mutsch-Regner

Advisory Board

Alfred Angerer

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