Depressione: come possono aiutare gli antidepressivi

A lego figure

Lesedauer: 3 min Sempre più persone soffrono di depressione. La gravità e i sintomi sono molto vari. Anche i bambini e gli adolescenti sono colpiti più frequentemente al giorno d’oggi. Chiunque si senta depresso o impotente per un periodo di tempo prolungato e possa escludere cause fisiche, come la carenza di vitamina D3, può essere aiutato da antidepressivi dopo aver consultato un medico. La cosa più importante è la regolarità dell’assunzione.

Malattie coronariche: come mantenere il cuore in forma

Lesedauer: 3 min È una delle malattie cardiache più comuni al mondo e può portare ad attacchi cardiaci, aritmie cardiache e altre gravi conseguenze. Stiamo parlando della cardiopatia coronarica (CHD), una malattia in cui il cuore non riceve più ossigeno e sostanze nutritive sufficienti. Le persone anziane sono particolarmente colpite. Subito dopo, però, la buona notizia: con un cambiamento dello stile di vita e una regolare terapia farmacologica, questa malattia cardiaca può essere trattata bene.

Allergies: Managing medications cleverly

Nasenspray, Tabletten und ein Taschentuch vor einem blühenden Baum

Lesedauer: 2 min Allergy sufferers know it all too well: If the immune system comes into contact with an allergen, the body reacts allergically. Sometimes the allergy can only be controlled with medication. For these to work, they must be taken regularly. This is where the TOM app comes in: with daily reminders on the smartphone, it is an active help against forgetting.

TOM Medications | Support in daily medication management

Ein Mann nutzt die Tom App, um seine Medikamente zu managen.

Lesedauer: 2 min Many chronic diseases exist worldwide, affecting the lives of millions of people every day. Not only dealing with the disease itself, but also often comprehensive therapy plans and daily medication prove to be a burden for those affected.

Pressione alta: mantenere il sangue freddo

Ein man treibt an einem Sandstrand auf dem glasklaren Wasser während er entspannt eine Zeitschrift liest.

Lesedauer: 2 min L’ipertensione arteriosa è una delle principali cause di malattie cardiovascolari, come infarti e ictus. Alcune delle cause dell’ipertensione arteriosa sono l’obesità, il poco esercizio fisico e lo stress, oltre a una predisposizione ereditaria. Se l’ipertensione non viene trattata, possono insorgere malattie secondarie, soprattutto a carico del sistema cardiovascolare.

Diabetes: staying in balance

Gesunde Nahrung hält ihren Insulinspiegel in Balance.

Lesedauer: 2 min It is considered one of the most widespread diseases in the world: Diabetes, also known as “diabetes”, is a metabolic disease that can have severe consequences. “Diabetes mellitus” refers to various diseases that are based on a metabolic disorder. An elevated blood sugar level is the result.

Increased therapy adherence, the TOM app can do it

Lesedauer: 9 min According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only about half of people suffering from a chronic disease take their medications as prescribed.[1 Other studies also report similar numbers, varying by disease.[2] This should alarm patients, healthcare providers, payers, business and the public sector alike, because the negative consequences of this non-compliance with prescribed treatment, called treatment infidelity, are enormous. We describe why patients find it difficult to follow treatment recommendations.

TOM Medications receives award from Healthcare Insights

Lesedauer: 2 min TOM Medications did it again and was rewarded with a great award from The Healthcare Insights! We have achieved a place among the “10 most recommended digital health solution providers from Europe in 2021” with our TOM app. The Healthcare Insights magazine is a comprehensive guide to all things healthcare. In the process, TOM Medications also received a certificate recognizing our contributions to the healthcare industry.

TOM app increases therapy adherence of its users

Lesedauer: 2 min Whether deliberately not taken or simply forgotten: Non-compliance with therapy can have far-reaching health consequences for patients. This is exactly where the TOM app comes in.

More than a medication reminder app

Lesedauer: 2 min With the help of the TOM app, no medication will be forgotten in the future. However, the little helper from the Zurich-based start-up Innovation 6 offers numerous other functions.

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