High blood pressure: keep a cool head

Ein man treibt an einem Sandstrand auf dem glasklaren Wasser während er entspannt eine Zeitschrift liest.
Lesedauer: 2 min

High blood pressure is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Some of the causes of high hypertension are obesity, little exercise and stress, combined with a hereditary predisposition. If high blood pressure remains untreated, secondary diseases can occur – mostly in the cardiovascular system.

Do you need to take blood pressure pills? Then you probably know that regularity plays an important role in this. With the help of the TOM app, you can make sure you don’t forget to take anything. The convenient health app reminds you to take your medication every day at the time you define.

High blood pressure: a widespread disease

High blood pressure (known in medicine as hypertension) is widespread in industrialized countries. In Germany, around 20 to 30 million people are affected by the disease. The older you get, the higher the risk of developing hypertension. But children and adolescents can also be affected. Here, lack of exercise and obesity are primarily considered risk factors. However, there are also people who are slim and athletic, eat a healthy diet and still suffer from hypertension. This can often be traced back to a family predisposition.

Dangerous late effects

The dangerous thing about high blood pressure is that the consequences only become apparent at a late stage. And these late effects can be severe. Undetected hypertension that persists for many years can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the heart, brain and eyes. Especially heart attacks and strokes are often caused by high blood pressure. The good news is that if the disease is detected in time, secondary symptoms and diseases of the cardiovascular system can be delayed or even avoided altogether.

Natural treatment for high blood pressure

If blood pressure is only slightly elevated, it may be possible to avoid taking medication. The following measures are recommended:

  • Reduce your weight.
  • Prepare your food low in salt.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Exercise regularly. Here, for example, daily walking or Nordic walking are particularly suitable.

If these measures are not enough or your blood pressure is severely elevated, you may resort to medication in the form of antihypertensives.

These drugs are used for high blood pressure

There are different types of medications used to lower high blood pressure. Among the best known are: ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics, potassium antagonists and sartans. Which drug is best for you depends on different factors, such as age or pre-existing conditions. Sometimes different drugs are combined to achieve the best possible result. Your health care provider will work with you to determine an individualized treatment plan.

Manage high blood pressure: with the practical TOM app

Are you taking several different medications and at different times of the day? That’s when the TOM app comes in handy. It helps you stay on top of your high blood pressure medications. The app has a handy reminder function and tells you every day when it’s time to take your medication. Do you want to add or remove medications? You can do this at any time in the app’s virtual medicine cabinet.

Download the TOM APP now and always have your hypertension under control!

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